Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Quidditch Season 2 Chapter 4 for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, after you got selected to play a Beater for your House team, you shared the good news with Penny and Face Paint Kid. You also got the chance to take Face Paint Kid’s brand new Beater quiz and test your Quidditch knowledge.

After that, Penny suggested you should learn some new Beater maneuvers since those would come in handy during the upcoming house matches. Luckily, Orion was kind enough to teach you one useful Beater maneuver. Also, since the news is quickly spreading around Hogwarts, Erika Rath found out that you’re now playing a Beater, and needless to say, she wasn’t too friendly about it. Lastly, during one of your team practices, Orion informed you and the rest of your team about the upcoming house match.


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Play Wizard Chess
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Murphy
      • You’re right: +5 Empathy
      • You’re wrong: +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Go to Quidditch Practice
    • Location: Quidditch Pitch
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
  • Task 3: Learn a New Manoeuvre
    • Waiting Time: 4 hours
    • Location: Quidditch Changing Room
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
    • Choice: Tell Murphy what Bludger Backbeat is
      • Hitting an opponent’s back: +5 Courage
      • A backhand swing: +10 Knowledge
      • Aiming at opposing Beaters: +5 Courage
  • Task 4: Go to Quidditch Practice
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Quidditch Pitch
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Skye if you miss the practices you had with her
      • I miss it (Skye level 4): +10 Empathy
      • I don’t miss it: +5 Empathy
  • Task 5: Talk to Penny & Face Paint Kid
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Answer Penny
      • Yes, they have: +5 Empathy
      • No, they haven’t: +5 Empathy
  • Chapter Rewards: 200 Coins

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(Disclaimer: Some of the tasks have different star requirements, depending on the Year you’re in. The following Walkthrough contains the images from Year 6, which pretty much has the highest requirements.)

Needless to say, you’ll need to do all you can to prepare for it, and you can’t let Rath’s words distract you from playing, so it might be a good idea to talk to Murphy and see if he can give you some advice. Head to the Great Hall when you are ready to meet with him. Once you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of the characters before proceeding to greet your friend. You will be curious to know why he invited you to a game of wizard’s chess.

Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

By the looks of it, this has something to do with the upcoming house match.

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It seems that Murphy has been doing some calculations lately. He even managed to calculate your odds of victory for the upcoming house match.

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The results of the previous season will be referenced here.

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Perhaps too much drama can make it much harder for you to win the Quidditch Cup, Murphy definitely thinks so, he will even mention some of the drama that happened during the previous season.

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Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (6)

You will tell Murphy about your encounter with Rath, this will definitely spark his curiosity since he didn’t see her in the Courtyard, you’ll also mention that Skye was completely uninterested in talking about Erika, Murphy will ask you to tell him more details over a game of chess. To do that, you need to obtain five stars within an hour. Only one star is needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to your character and Murphy. Focus on those if you want to save a bit of energy.

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When you are done, you’ll ask McNully for his opinion on the matter, as it seems he thinks you should focus entirely on the upcoming match. He will ask you to forget about the drama and concentrate on the only thing that matters here, Quidditch. There are two options to respond to. None of these will have any significant impact on the story, so feel free to pick whichever one you like.

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Regardless of your choice, Murphy will remind you to focus on the house match. This is when you’ll notice Andre approaching you. McNully will decide to help you with the upcoming match.

Your Ravenclaw friend will comment on that.

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Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (12)

Next, you’ll need to attend Quidditch practice. Proceed to the Quidditch pitch when you are ready. Upon getting there, you’ll be able to interact with some of your teammates. Shortly after, Orion will gather everyone.

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He’ll reference the events of the previous season.

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Once again, he will remind everyone how important it is to win the upcoming match. Because of that, he wants everyone to focus on improving their balance. In other words, it’s time for some broom balancing. This requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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The only bonus progress action here is tied to Orion. Prioritize it whenever it is available if you want to save some energy.

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When you are done, your team captain will be very satisfied with your broom balancing. He’ll also tell you to rest for a short while since your practice will begin soon enough. You’ll use this opportunity to strike up a conversation with Skye.

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Unfortunately, your teammate won’t be too interested in chit-chatting.

Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (18)

Perhaps Murphy was right when he advised you to focus entirely on Quidditch? Moments later, the practice will start. For this one, you will be required to play a Beater. When you are ready, hit Start to begin.

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This one is fairly similar to most of the friendly matches. However, this is when you’ll notice that some of the Beater maneuvers are time-limited. This will be an additional obstacle you’ll have to overcome, but with enough practicing, you should be able to do it.

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When you’re done, Murphy will ask you to come to the Quidditch Changing Room. Apparently, he wants to teach you a new Beater maneuver. However, there’s a waiting period of four hours before you can proceed. Since your energy is likely low at this point, it is recommended to simply wait until this timer runs out and let your energy regenerate in the process.

Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (21)

Once you’re able to continue, head to the Quidditch Changing Room to meet with Murphy. You will be curious to know why he wanted to meet with you, and he’ll simply wave his wand, and the drawing will appear on the blackboard.

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Apparently, he wants to teach you the Bludger Backbeat.

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Murphy will ask if you remember what the Bludger Backbeat is. There are three options to answer with. The correct one is ‘A backhand swing’.

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He’ll tell you that this maneuver is quite difficult to perform properly, he will also mention that the Bludger Backbeat has a lot of different uses, you will be very eager to learn all about it. Doing so requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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While both Murphy and your character have bonus progress actions tied to them, your character has only 3 different actions that are rotating, so prioritizing your own actions will save you some energy.

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As it appears, the Bludger Backbeat isn’t as simple as Murphy described it. He will provide some additional explanation.

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Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (28)

This is when you will notice that Andre’s influence is showing up on Murphy.

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You won’t hesitate to ask him about it and he’ll even admit that he is learning some things from Andre.

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Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (31)

Next, you will need to complete three Quidditch friendlies before you can continue.

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As usual, you can choose whichever position you prefer to play during these. However, since the house match is approaching, it is highly recommended to practice playing Beater in order to prepare yourself.

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Like before, try your best to successfully complete all of the maneuvers in order to claim some extra rewards.

Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (34)

When you are done, Orion will ask you and your teammates to rest before the practice starts. You have around three hours to do so. Since this chapter is not time-limited, it is recommended to simply wait until the timer expires.

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Once you’re able to continue, head to the Quidditch pitch to attend the practice. When you arrive, you will get to chat with some of your teammates and check out what they have to say to you. During this practice, you will be required to play Beater. Hit Start when you are ready to begin.

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Like before, focus on successfully completing all of the maneuvers to earn some nice rewards.

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When you are done, Orion will gather everyone to say a few words of encouragement.

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He will be very satisfied with your performance as a Beater, still, the season has just started, and all of you will need to give it your best in order to win, but now is the time to rest for a while.

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Before leaving, Skye will also praise your skills and she will also remind you of some of the past events.

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Some of those were quite memorable.

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Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (42)

You’ll also recall some interesting events.

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Still, you will notice some concern on her face. After all, her goal is to win the Quidditch Cup.

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You’ll tell her that you’ve been learning a lot about playing Beater lately, Skye will be very curious to find out what you’ve learned so far, you’ll be more than happy to share this with her. Talking to Skye requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (45)

There are two different bonus progress actions linked to Skye. Prioritize her actions if you’re looking to save some energy.

Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (46)

When you are done, she will ask if you miss the practice sessions you had with her. If you like Skye, it is somewhat recommended to say you miss it. Otherwise, feel free to go with either option.

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You will then notice that she’s got something on her mind, and you’ll ask her about it. She will tell you that her dad got injured again, however, she won’t be willing to talk about it. Moments later, she will leave the Quidditch pitch.

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Next, you will need to complete three Quidditch friendlies.

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The task window will provide you with all the relevant information. Once again, it is recommended to play Beater during these matches in order to practice the maneuvers and prepare for the upcoming house match.

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As always, focus on completing all of the maneuvers successfully to earn some nice rewards.

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Once you’re done, Penny and Face Paint Kid will ask you to meet them at the Training Grounds, so proceed there when you’re ready. Upon arriving, you’ll be able to interact with some of the characters and check out what they have to say. Face Paint Kid will thank you for meeting them.

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You will quickly ask if something happened. Penny will calm you down saying that they’ve been experimenting a bit with new face paint looks.

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Apparently, Face Paint Kid needs a test subject.

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It’s time to put some paint on! This requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to Andre and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

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When you are done, Penny will ask Face Paint Kid if he got enough inspiration from all the painting. Judging by the smile on his face, he’s definitely more than inspired.

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Once he leaves, you will tell Penny you should probably go to attend the next Quidditch practice. Before you go, she will ask if things got better between Skye and you. There are two options to respond to. If you like Penny, it is somewhat recommended to go with the first option. Otherwise, feel free to choose either one.

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You will also inform Penny that Skye’s father got injured playing Quidditch. However, according to your Hufflepuff friend, Ethan Parkin wasn’t injured recently.

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This will get you confused.

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Perhaps there’s a reason why Skye told you this… In any case, you should focus entirely on Quidditch if you’re to win the upcoming house match.

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Shortly after, Chapter 4 of Season 2 will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 200 Coins.

This will unlock the Bludger Backbeat maneuver, and from now on, you’ll be able to use it while playing Quidditch as a Beater.

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Why did Skye lie to you about her father? Will she be willing to talk about it? And will you be ready for the upcoming house match? Find out in the next chapter of Quidditch for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!
Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 4 - Murphy's Moves | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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