How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (2024)

Posted on September 20, 2023

When considering roof replacement options, metal roofing has become popular because of its energy efficiency and durability. However, with the rising demand for metal roofing, scams have become prevalent in the industry. A metal roof scam happens when an unscrupulous contractor offers a metal roofing installation at a low price, but does a shoddy job or uses subpar materials. They may also take payments but never complete the roofing project, leaving unsuspecting customers with financial losses and a damaged roof. Understanding what a metal roof scam is and how to avoid it is crucial to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. While we strive to provide accurate information, we recommend that you seek the advice of qualified professionals regarding any roofing project. If you need assistance with protecting yourself from metal roof scams, please visit Advance Roofing LLC has been proudly serving the Spokane, WA area with the highest quality roofing solutions for many years.

Types of Metal Roof Scams

There are several types of metal roof scams that consumers may encounter, with deceitful practices and dishonest contractors taking advantage of vulnerable customers. Common scams include storm chasers, insurance fraud, and overpricing.

  • Storm chasers are fraudulent contractors who target homeowners after a major storm, offering quick repair services and demanding high payments upfront. They often disappear after the work is done, leaving behind substandard workmanship and unsatisfied customers.
  • Insurance fraud involves contractors attempting to trick homeowners into submitting inflated repair bills to their insurance companies, often including non-existent damage in the claims. This practice is illegal and can lead to significant legal consequences for those involved.
  • Overpricing is another common scam where contractors charge customers excessive prices for their services. They may also prompt customers to sign ambiguous contracts, leaving them vulnerable to hidden fees and additional charges.

To avoid these scams, homeowners are advised to research reputable roofing companies, read online reviews, and get multiple quotes before agreeing to any roofing work. Additionally, they should be wary of unsolicited offers and high-pressure sales tactics, and always ask for proof of insurance and licenses.

Identifying Suspect Companies

How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (1)

Identifying suspect companies is crucial in protecting yourself from roofing scams. These fraudulent contractors often use various tactics to trick unsuspecting customers into paying excessively for substandard workmanship. Here are some tips on how to spot and avoid potential scams.

Red Flags to Look Out for

When it comes to protecting yourself from roofing scams, being aware of red flags is essential.

  • One of the biggest indicators of a potential scam is an urgent demand to sign paperwork or requests for payment upfront. This can be a sign that the roofing contractor is not reputable and may be looking to take advantage of unsuspecting homeowners.
  • Another red flag to watch out for is discouragement from talking to your insurance company. If a roofing contractor tries to steer you away from involving your insurance company, it’s often a sign that they’re looking to commit insurance fraud.
  • One common tactic used by scamming roofing contractors is to offer free inspections. While this might sound like a great deal, it’s often a ploy to convince homeowners that they need extensive repairs or a full roof replacement, even if it’s not necessary.
  • Additionally, homeowners should be wary of storm chasers and door-to door salesmen who show up after a major storm. These individuals often prey on homeowners who have experienced damage and may not know how to navigate the roofing industry.

Overall, staying aware of these red flags can help homeowners avoid roofing scams and ensure that they work with a reputable roofing contractor.

Research the Company and Read Reviews

When it comes to hiring a reputable and trustworthy company for your metal roofing project, researching the company and reading reviews is crucial. However, before making a decision, it’s essential to evaluate the company’s legitimacy and gauge customer satisfaction.

To get a better understanding of any company, consider checking their website and social media platforms for information on their services and experience. Additionally, browse through review sites like BBB, Yelp, and Google Reviews to see what past customers have to say about their experience with the company. This can help you determine if potential roofing contractor is right for you and if they have a reputation for customer satisfaction.

Researching the company and reading reviews can also help protect against potential scams. By taking the time to assess the legitimacy of any roofing contractor, homeowners can avoid falling victim to unsavory practices like insurance fraud or common roofing scams.

Overall, taking the time to research a company and read reviews can give homeowners peace of mind that they have hired a reputable and reliable contractor for their metal roofing project.

Ask Questions and Get Documentation

How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (2)

To protect oneself from metal roof scams, it’s crucial to ask potential roofing contractors specific questions about their credentials, experience, and training.

  • Ask if they have any certifications or licenses and if their workers are properly trained.
  • Request references and reach out to past customers to gather firsthand feedback on their experience.
  • In addition to asking questions, it’s important to organize and document all communication with the roofer. Keep contracts, estimates, invoices, receipts, and emails in a separate folder to refer back to if needed. This documentation can help protect against any misunderstandings or disputes that may arise during the roofing project.

Be wary of any contractor who is hesitant to provide credentials, references, or proper documentation. Reputable roofing companies will be more than willing to provide this information to potential customers. By taking the time to ask questions and gather documentation, homeowners can avoid falling victim to potential scams and ensure they have a positive roofing experience.

Protecting Yourself from Metal Roof Scams

Metal roofing can be a great investment for your home. It not only enhances the aesthetics but provides durability and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, the metal roofing industry is not immune to scams that target unsuspecting customers. Whether it’s a storm chaser or an unlicensed contractor, metal roof scammers can leave you in a financial bind and with a subpar roofing job. As a homeowner, it’s important to protect yourself from these scams to ensure that you get your money’s worth and a quality roofing project. Let’s dive into some tips on how to protect yourself from metal roof scams.

Understand the Common Metal Roofing Systems Available

Metal roofing systems are becoming more and more popular among homeowners nowadays. They have numerous advantages such as energy efficiency, durability, and longevity. However, one of the most important considerations for many people is the cost. Here are some common types of metal roofing systems available, along with their average cost per square foot:

  1. Standing seam metal roofs – $4 to $10 per square foot
  2. Stone-coated steel roofs – $3.50 to $13 per square foot
  3. Metal shingle roofs – $7 to $10 per square foot
  4. Corrugated metal roofs – $1.50 to $5 per square foot

Each of these metal roofing types has its own set of pros and cons, such as the level of energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal, or how well they withstand extreme weather conditions. For instance, standing seam metal roofs have a distinctive look and longevity, while corrugated metal roofs are affordable and easy to install. It is essential to choose the right roofing material based on what you need to achieve with your roofing project. When you take the time to understand the common metal roofing systems available, you will be able to make the best decision on which type to choose for your home.

Calculate Your Square Footage Requirements for a Project

How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (3)

Calculating the square footage requirements for a metal roofing project is essential to accurately estimate the expected materials and cost.

  • To start, measure the length and width of each roof section to be covered using a tape measure or laser measurer.
  • Then, multiply those figures to obtain the square footage of each section. Ensure that you measure each roof section separately to avoid any miscalculation.
  • After calculating the square footage of each roof section, add the figures together to get the total square footage needed for the project.
  • Make sure to account for any additional square footage that may be required for overhangs or roof edges.

This total square footage will allow you to determine the amount of roofing materials and cost required to complete the project.

Get Multiple Quotes from Reputable Companies Before Making a Decision

When considering a metal roofing project, it’s important to get multiple quotes from reputable metal roofing companies in your area before making a decision. To ensure that you are getting the best value for your money, request quotes from at least three companies and compare them carefully. But before requesting quotes, do your due diligence by researching the companies’ reputations and reading customer reviews. This will help you identify companies with a history of providing quality service and reliable workmanship. By taking the time to compare quotes and ask questions about any discrepancies, you can make an informed decision that will ensure you get the best value for your money. Remember, your roof is a vital investment that protects your home and your family, so it’s important to choose a reputable company with a track record of customer satisfaction.

Avoid Payment Upfront or Any Unusual Installment Plans

How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (4)

Homeowners should be wary of making full payment upfront or agreeing to unusual installment plans when dealing with roofing contractors. Scammers often demand large upfront payments for their services and may ask for cash-only transactions. It is vital to avoid contractors who refuse to accept other payment methods and request unusually large sums of money upfront, as this could indicate fraudulent activity.

It’s advisable to only pay a reasonable down payment to reliable contractors, especially those with a reputable track record. The standard practice in the roofing industry is to ask for a deposit that covers the cost of materials before starting the project, and the remainder is paid when the work is completed to the client’s satisfaction. Homeowners should also take the time to read and understand the contract’s terms and do a background check on the roofing company before making any payment.

Check Your Local Regulations Before Hiring a Contractor

Before hiring a contractor, it is essential to check the licensing requirements for your area to ensure that the contractor is authorized to perform the job.

  • You can start by researching the licensing requirements for your city or state. Look for specific licenses for different trades such as electricians, plumbers, or general contractors. Depending on the type of work you need, you may require a specific license.
  • Next, you will want to do a contractor license check to verify that the contractor’s license is current and up to date. You can typically do this online through your state’s licensing board website or through third-party websites that provide this service. It is also important to check if the contractor has any pending complaints against them or legal issues.
  • It is recommended to review the requirements for a general contractor license in your state to ensure that they have the necessary credentials to carry out the work legally.
  • Finally, it is advisable to verify with your local business licensing office to make sure that their license is valid, and they’re not using another contractor’s number.

Conducting a thorough check of your contractor’s license before hiring them can protect you from potential scams or legal issues down the line.

Working with The Right Company

Working with the right company for your metal roofing project can be a daunting task, especially when you consider that the roofing industry is rife with scammers. However, finding a reputable metal roofing company can save you from headaches, financial losses, and unprofessional practices. There are several things you should look for when selecting a metal roofing company, including licensing, insurance, experience, customer satisfaction, and professionalism.

Consider Using an Experienced Professional

How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (5)

Using an experienced professional to install your metal roofing can offer several benefits.

First and foremost, their expertise in the metal roofing industry can guarantee the job is done right the first time. They have the knowledge and skills to correctly install the metal roofing, ensuring durability and longevity.

Working with a reputable contractor is also crucial to ensure an exceptional level of service.

Finding a contractor with a long-established company can give you peace of mind knowing that they have been in business for a while and have a proven track record of successful projects. Getting recommendations from friends and neighbors can also help to find a trustworthy contractor.

When searching for a contractor, vet them thoroughly through online reviews and licensing checks. Verify that they have the required licenses and insurance to perform the job. Doing thorough research can help prevent problems down the road.

Overall, investing in an experienced professional can lead to a smooth and worry-free metal roofing project. You can be confident in the quality of the installation and enjoy a long-lasting, energy-efficient roof.

Inspection and Final Checks

Inspection and final checks are crucial when protecting yourself from metal roof scams. Hiring a professional roofing contractor to inspect your roof can identify potential issues and prevent costly repairs in the future. Professional inspections typically cost anywhere from $200 to $500, but they’re worth the investment, compared to the expense of fixing a botched roofing job.

Some storm chaser contractors may offer free inspections to lure in unsuspecting customers, only to cause damage and pressure homeowners into paying for unnecessary repairs. That’s why it’s essential to do research on the contractor and read online reviews before scheduling any inspections.

During inspections, pay attention to the contractor’s behavior and observe how they examine the roof. A reputable contractor will explain the process, take photos of the roof’s condition, and provide a detailed report of their findings. Final checks are equally important, as they confirm that the installation process was done correctly and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Taking these steps can help ensure that you’re working with a trustworthy contractor and avoid becoming a victim of a roofing scam.


Protecting yourself from metal roof scams is essential when investing in a new metal roof. It’s important to take the necessary steps to vet potential contractors, such as researching their reputation online and verifying their licensing and insurance. Working with an experienced professional and performing thorough inspections can give you peace of mind knowing that your metal roof is installed correctly and safely. Taking these precautions can help ensure that you get the most out of your investment and avoid becoming a victim of a scam.

Protect Yourself from Metal Roof Scams: Frequently Asked Questions

What type of roof repairs should I get if I have Asphalt shingle roofing?

If you have Asphalt Shingle roofing, you should look for a professional contractor to repair any damaged areas or replace any missing shingles.

How often should I get my roof inspected?

It is recommended to inspect your roof at least once every two years. This will help detect any existing damage and prevent further problems from occurring.

What are some benefits of Metal Roofing?

Metal Roofing has many benefits including durability, longevity, energy efficiency, and affordability. Metal roofs also come in many colors and styles, so they can be customized to match the look of your home.

How much does metal roofing cost compared to other materials?

The cost of metal roofing varies depending on the type of metal used (galvanized steel or aluminum) and factors such as size, pitch, and insulation requirements. Generally speaking, metal roofs tend to be more expensive than asphalt shingle roofs but last longer which can save money in the long run.

How to Protect Yourself from Roofing Scams: Insurance, Inspections, and More | Advanced Roofing LLC (2024)


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