I Tested the Free AI Writer From H-Supertools (2024)

Here are my results

I Tested the Free AI Writer From H-Supertools (1)

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Better Marketing



I Tested the Free AI Writer From H-Supertools (3)

There is a free AI writer from H-Supertools that I’ve been dying to test. So, I did. Three times, to be exact.

I tested it for:

  • Readability
  • Originality
  • Technical details

These are the results of my tests.

In case you don’t know, H-Supertools is a website that offers a suite of free tools for bloggers and internet marketers.

Free tools like:

  • Keyword Research
  • Question Explorer
  • Backlinks Checker
  • High CPC Keywords
  • Backlinks List
  • QR Code Generator
  • YouTube Keyword Research
  • Blog Post Title Generator
  • Blog Post Outline Generator
  • Paragraph translator
  • Article Rewriter

And, of course, an AI writer that autogenerates paragraphs of content on almost any topic. My favorite AI writer is Jasper, followed by Copymatic — but those are paid tools.

H-Supertools provides its tools for free, making it an incredible repository of resources.

However, as you might suspect, there is a catch.

The first catch is that you must register through the website to get the most out of the tools.

Registration is free.

I tried to use several of the H-Supertools without registration but I didn’t get very far. That’s annoying but understandable.

The second catch is that the tools limit you.

For example, the AI writer only allows you to write 100 or 150 words at a time. That’s enough for a paragraph.

You can’t click and get 300 or 500 words like you can with some paid AI writers.

Just earlier today, as I was putting together a list of Jasper AI examples, I produced close to 1,000 words in 60 seconds. H-Supertools is not going to do that (at least not yet).

Not only are you limited to a maximum of 150 words per use, but you also only get 30,000 credits (which are called coins on the site).

Now, 30,000 sounds like a lot.

It IS a lot, as long as you don’t write too many blog posts per month.

The H-SuperTools site addresses this directly:

Maybe you are wondering why we have a 50 char limit on the input and 150 words on the output. This is because our ai writer Tool is Free!

Unfortunately, Free Tools are always vulnerable to spammers, thus we need to protect our website and keep it up for people who want real help. Therefore, we are obliged to set some limitations on usage.

The Good News is these limits will gradually increase as we monitor users’ activity on this tool.

So, you may get a higher limit in the future.

But, for now, you’re limited to 30,000. That’s enough if you write about three to five 1k to 1.5k-word articles per month. Or, 2–3 longer blog posts.

Not all that bad for a free resource.

But is the robot-written content any good? I tested it to find out.

I Tested the Free AI Writer From H-Supertools (4)

For the test, I chose the simple topic of “Birdwatching Tips.”

I didn’t want to challenge the tool too much with someone much more technical. I didn’t think that would be fair.

At least, for my first test. 😉

So I typed “Birdwatching Tips” into the topic text box but left the rest of the settings in default mode.

That means:

  • Intelligence level 3
  • Max output length 100 words
  • Cost 800 ai coins

First, once I hit the “generate” button, I had to click a Captcha box to convince the website that I wasn’t a robot.

That done, I searched for the generated content but couldn’t find it.

So, I clicked “generate” again.

After about 15 seconds of waiting, something happened.

Here is what the H-SuperTools free ai writer generated for me:

1. Always carry a good guidebook with you when birdwatching, as there are many birds that are only seen in specific areas.

2. When birdwatching, always be aware of your surroundings. Look out for potential birding hotspots, and be conscious of other people and wildlife around you.

3. When birdwatching, be patient. Take your time and look closely at each bird you see, as some may be difficult to see.

That’s 70 words, not 100, but all in all, I like the content.

It’s readable, sounds like valid advice to a non-birdwatcher like me, and the only thing I would change immediately is the repetition of the word “see” in tip #3.

As I do with all of my AI-written content, I then put this generated paragraph through my paid plagiarism checker.

I Tested the Free AI Writer From H-Supertools (5)

As you can see from the screenshot above, the freely generated content passed with 100% originality.

That’s refreshing.

I get the same from paid tools but this is from a completely free tool.

So far, so good.

On to my third, more technical test of the H-Supertools AI writer.

This time, I wanted to put the H-Supertools ai writer to the ultimate test: technical writing.

For most tools, including Jasper, you need to feed the ai-writer some data or they might just start making up stuff. However, there is no place to add contextual information with the free tool.

Therefore, we are going to wing it.

After some internal deliberations, I decided on the topic “How to build a dating bot to hack online dating.”

Because…why not?

Just to be fair, I upped the intelligence level to 4. I also stretched the output length to the max of 150 words.

I typed the topic into the text box and smacked the “generate” button.

This is what happened.

The H-Supertool ai writer once again checked to make sure I am still a human. Spoiler: I am.

A few seconds passed while I pondered my past dating life (I’m happily engaged, BTW). Then, the results came in.

Here they are:

Are you single and looking for love? But tired of the same old dating apps? Why not try something new and build your own dating bot!

With a little coding knowledge, you can create a bot that can automatically swipe right on dating apps, and message potential matches to start a conversation. You can program your bot to ask questions and learn about your match, and even set up automated responses to certain keywords.

Think of all the time you’ll save by not having to swipe and message manually! Not to mention, a dating bot can also help you keep track of your online dating activity and messages, so you never miss a beat.

Ready to get started? Follow these steps to build your own dating bot:

1. Choose a coding platform. There are many platforms that you can use to code your bot, such as Python, PHP, or Node.js. If you’re not sure which one to use, Python is a good choice as it is beginner-friendly

Okay, okay. I can get down with this content. It’s clear, easy to read, and the tool actually gave me 167 words (more than the maximum somehow).

Color me impressed.

As far as the technical detail, the content cuts off right where things start to get into the tech stuff.

With a little guidance and experimentation with what I put in the text box, I think I could wrangle a decent article out of this free ai writer.

I recorded this video of a few more tests I ran with the H-Supertools Ai writer:

Honestly, I didn’t expect the tool to give me such good results.

The quality is pretty dang close to Copymatic and even Jasper, although those are still better in my opinion.

But, for the quality of the content alone, I am now a fan of this tool.

Hopefully, the limits continue to increase so that users can produce more than 3–5 articles per month. I produce closer to 60+, so I’d need 20 different accounts to get close.

After testing out this tool, I may give the other free tools on H-Supertools a closer look, too.

Thanks for reading!

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I Tested the Free AI Writer From H-Supertools (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 6436

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.